Biosport Project

Products on the market/ in development

ACI-Maix (Matricel, Germany) is a collagen scaffold for the treatment of articular cartilage defects with the MACI® technique (developed by Sanofi Biosurgery).

Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (Orthocell, Austrailia) offers a treatment for symptomatic defects of the articulating cartilage of the joints, predominately the knee and ankle.

BioSeed®C is an autologous 3-dimensional chondrocyte graft to used in ACT procedures to treat articular cartilage defects in the knee, offered by BioTissue AG (Germany). The scaffold fully dissolves within 6 months. 

Cartiform by Osiris (USA) is an allograft cartilage implant designed to improve the healing potential of bone marrow stimulation procedures. The company claim that the implant provides the intact 3-dimensional architecture of hyaline cartilage containing the necessary cellular and molecular components for articular cartilage repair, and is primed for mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) activity.

Cartimaix (Matricel, Germany) is a biodegradable collagen membrane indicated for covering of articular cartilage defects during collagen-covered autologous chondrocyte implantation and matrix-assisted bone marrow stimulation procedures.

Carticel® (Genzyme, USA) is a cellular product consisting of autologous cultured chondrocytes in a cell suspension.  The CARTICEL ACI procedure involves three distinct phases: biopsy, implantation and rehabilitation. It was FDA approved in 1997 and is used to repair articular cartilage defects in the knee.

CartiONE (Orteq Sports Medicine, London) is a one hour service that provides surgeons with the patient’s own freshly isolated chondrocytes and bone marrow cells for use in one surgical cartilage repair procedure. This service can be used with INSTRUCT (CellCoTec B.V.’s biodegradable scaffold) or other commercially available chondral / osteo-chondral membranes or scaffolds 

ChondroArtTM (Educell, Solvenia) are tissue-engineered products for cartilage repair in knee and other joints, based on implantation of autologous chondrocytes. ChondroArt™ 1D, developed in 1997, is a procedure for propagation and implantation of autologous chondrocytes for the treatment of lesions in articular cartilage. ChondroArt™ 2D was released in 1999. It consists of an equine collagenous matrix, seeded with chondrocytes. ChondroArt™ 3D , in use since 2007, is a less invasive surgical procedure using a 3D scaffold made from alginate-agarose hydrogel. ChondroArt™ 3D-A is in development being designed to prevent leakage of cells in the synovial space, allow attachment of the scaffold to the damaged site and, as the end goal, result in arthroscopic application.

ChondroCelect® (TiGenix, Belgium) is a cell-based product, consisting of autologous chondrocytes in a cell suspension, for use in two-step ACI. Cells are taken from the patient’s own knee, multiplied to reach a large quantity, and then re-implanted at the site of the defect. It received European Marketing Authorization in October 2009 and is distributed by Sobi (Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB) in most of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

Chondro-Gide® by Geistlich Pharma (Switzerland) consists of a natural collagen matrix for cartilage regeneration. Surgical techniques using Chondro-Gide include AMIC and ACI.

Chondrofix Osteochondral Allograft (ZimmerBiomet, Switzerland) is an off-the-shelf product indicated for the repair of chondral and osteochondral lesions. It is composed of donated human decellularized hyaline cartilage and cancellous bone.

CaReS® is a three-dimensional collagen type I matrix gel colonized with autologous cartilage cells. CaReS-1S™(Cartilage Regeneration System - OneStep) is an implant is based on the same type I collagen matrix, but it is cell-free and colonized by cells from the environment. Both of these biological implants for the regeneration of articular cartilage defects are sold by Arthro Kinetics (GmbH).

DeNovo® NT Graft (ZimmerBiomet, Switzerland) is a particulated juvenile cartilage implant used for the repair of articular cartilage damage. It is intended to provide surgeons with an early-intervention option for articular cartilage repair and cartilage restoration.

HyCel is a Hyaline Cartilage Repair system designed for use in ACT procedures, marketed by CellMatrix (Sweden). It involve the harvesting of cartilage cells from a healthy joint. These cells are processed and packaged with a syringe for transplantation back into the patient. The company has also licensed the Hyalograft-C technology from Fidia Advanced Biopolymers (Italy) for the Scandinavian market. Hyalograft C is a hyaluronan based biocompatible and biodegradable scaffold that was the first three-dimensional cell culture matrix specifically developed for use in cartilage repair and that is currently a market leader in the field in Europe.

INSTRUCT is a cell replacement technology for treating cartilage lesions in the knee, marketed by CellCoTech (Netherlands). This grade III registered medical device includes a cell processor, a bio-scaffold and surgical instrumentation. The patient's own cartilage and bone marrow are harvested and processed, the scaffold is seeded with this cell mixture and implanted during a single surgical procedure to treat knee cartilage lesions.

Matrix-associated Autologous Cartilage Transplantation (ACT3D) for the treatment of damaged articular cartilage is offered by Co.don AG (Germany). The company claim that ‘the three-dimensional structure of autologous cultured chondrocytes and autologous self-constructed matrix leads to the reconstruction of cartilage-specific functional properties’.

MOSAICPLASTY Autogenous Osteochondral Grafting (AOCG) by Smith and Nephew (UK) has been in clinical use since 1992 in the USA for restoring chondral defects in the knee and ankle.

NeoCart (Histogenics, USA) is a Phase 3 investigational product to repair knee cartilage damage. The NeoCart implant is produced from autologous chondrocytes collected via a cartilage biopsy. The cells are seeded into a 3-dimensional collagen scaffold cultured and then implanted back into the patient.

Novocart products are manufactured by TETEC AG (a subsidiary of B.Braun). The technology platform is based on three-dimensional collagen-chondroitin sulphate scaffolds with embedded autologous chondrocytes in a cell suspension. Novocart Basic is a three-dimensional collagen matrix  (bovine origin) for cartilage regeneration after microfracturing. The procedure is known as matrix associated chondrogenesis (MAC). Novocart 3D is a cell-carrying biological solution for use in ACT procedures. Autologous cultured cells are distributed on a biphasic matrix and implanted in the defect via a min-arthrotomy. Novocart® Inject is an injectable albumin hyaluronic acid gel for ACT. This gel combines the autologous chondrocytes with an in-situ polymerizing hydrogel. It can then be injected arthroscopically into the damaged cartilage. 

The Osteochondral Autograft Transfer System (OATS®) has been developed by Arthrex (USA) for the repair of osteochondral lesions. The instrumentation facilitates the replacement of lesions with autograft cartilage.


Arthrex (USA) 

Arthro Kinetics (GmbH) 

B. Braun-Tetec (GmbH, Through subsidiary company TETEC AG) 

BioTissue (Germany) 

CellMatrix (Sweden) 

CellCoTech (Netherlands) 

Co.don AG (Germany) 

Educell (Solvenia)

Geistlich Pharma (Switzerland)

Genzyme (USA)

Histogenics (USA)

Matricel (Germany)

Orteq Sports Medicine (UK)

Osiris (USA)

Smith and Nephew (UK)

TiGenix (Belgium)

ZimmerBiomet (Switzerland)


Data were collected via an online survey of company websites, press releases and other related documents Jan - June 2015. The information presented is a direct reflection of how the companies in question represent the products they sell, products in their pipeline, the therapeutic areas they are targeting and stage of development.